Loss of strength

Loss of strength refers to a reduction in the ability to exert force with muscles. This can occur due to several factors like aging, injuries, illnesses, nutritional deficiencies, lack of physical activity, hormonal changes, and more. Some key things to know:
What causes loss of strength?

How is loss of strength diagnosed?

Doctors often diagnose muscle weakness via:

What are the consequences of reduced strength?

Loss of strength can:

Can lost strength be regained?

In many cases, yes! Strategies to rebuild lost strength include:

Regaining lost strength may require patience, consistency, hard work, and expert help. But for many adults, it is an achievable goal with life-changing benefits. Don't just accept aging, illness, and lost strength as inevitable. Instead, actively pursue strength gains through smart exercise, nutrition, hormone treatment if needed, and professional support. You have more power than you think!

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