
What is hypogonadism?

Hypogonadism refers to a condition in which the body does not produce enough testosterone due to impaired function of the gonads (testes or ovaries). This can negatively impact development and health.

Some key signs and symptoms of hypogonadism may include:

What causes hypogonadism?

There are two main categories of hypogonadism with different potential causes:

Primary hypogonadism stems from intrinsic issues within the gonads themselves. This could be due to genetics, infection, radiation treatment, chemotherapy medications, injury, or undescended testes during fetal development.

Secondary hypogonadism is caused by problems in the brain or pituitary gland that lead to inadequate signals being sent to produce sex hormones. Causes may include pituitary tumors, inflammation, certain medications, or head trauma.

How is hypogonadism diagnosed and treated?

If hypogonadism is suspected based on symptoms, a doctor can confirm the diagnosis via blood tests measuring total and free testosterone levels. They may also check luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) to determine if the issue is primary or secondary hypogonadism.

Treatment options for hypogonadism include:

The treatment regimen will depend on the person's age, cause of hypogonadism, symptom severity and overall health profile. Working closely with an endocrinologist or urologist can help develop the most effective management plan. Reach out today to learn more about science-backed solutions!

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